On February 18th at 9:40 PM we welcomed the first new Celestial Weim into the world... Mr. Green, weighing in at 13 oz. Ten minutes later at 9:50 PM Mr. Orange made his appearance weighing in at 14 oz. So far two healthy boys.. yeah, but we're hoping the next is a girl as we were only expecting three or four pups. Our wish was granted when Miss Pink popped out at 10:23 PM and we new what took so long... she weighed a whopping 15.7 oz. No sooner had Kya finished cleaning her and we put the boys back in the box when Mr. Blue decided he wanted to join the world at 10:40PM. So, three boys and one girl... not bad, but it's time to check Kya's stomach to see if we can feel more. Sure enough we could; at least two more oblong bumps were still in there. At 12:02AM Miss Purple made her entrance... another big girl weighing in at 15.3 oz. (poor boys, the girls were hogging all the food), followed closely by Miss Multi-Pink, born at 12:25, weighing 12.5 oz.
What a successful night, all six pups were healthy and nursing great. Kya was relaxed and dozing peacefully. Chris and I were having fun watching the pups, when Kya started getting restless again.... could there be another? When whelping that's always a possibility, so we were watching closely. Chris decided to take Kya out for a potty break, carrying a clean towel JIC a pup decided to join the world and sure enough... Miss Yellow was born at 3:15 AM, our smallest girl weighing 12 oz.
Final count 3 handsome boys and 4 beautiful girls... all very healthy; we couldn't have asked for anything more!