Monday, March 23, 2009

Nap time

We didn't get the pups moved into the laundry room as planned, nor did the weather cooperate enough for their first outing. We did add a crate and tunnel for them to snuggle and play hide

and sneak in until the big move.

Never to soon...

With both Kya and Colt being confirmed blanket suckers, there wasn't much doubt that there would be some pups following in their footsteps. Miss Purple proved us correct as being the first.


Poor Kya... Jumping in the whelping box to nurse the puppies does not appear to be quite the experience she expected it to be!

Much better to watch from above with the safety of an x-pen in between!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Digs

The pups world has expanded... we now have the front of the whelping box open with a x-pen attached so they have a lot more space to play and check out new scent. Mr Orange is very happy... for now.LOL

On Sunday we will move them to their play room (aka laundry room) that has a door which leads directly outside. If the weather holds we'll have our first walkabout this weekend... watch for pictures on Monday!


Well we have our first escapee... not a big surprise, it's our explorer Mr Orange aka Tumbleweed The Great Hunter. Yesterday he was very interested in peeking over the top, so Chris put the door up. This morning Chris let Kya in to nurse at about 4:30; Tumbleweed decided to follow his mom out and was found sound asleep on a nearby dog bed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Um um good!

Miss Purple waiting patiently for her first taste of real food. Poor baby she's no longer the biggest puppy... Outlaw took over that position, closely followed by The Duke. They are all gaining weight nicely and love their new food. Kya on the other hand was a bit miffed (even though she got to clean bowls and pups) that we humans are capable of taking care of the pups too.

All snuggled together with very full bellies!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Puppies Playing... Sigh

Ther is nothing in the world that is a bigger stress reliever than watching puppies play... and that they did. Poor little pig did get a much deserved bath Monday afternoon:)

Come back soon ya'll

Balancing Act

Kya surveying her Queendom.. from her vantage point, she can watch her pups, the rescue dogs in the kitchen, the dogs playing in the back yard and even watch out the front window for visitors.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Talk about a puppy pile...

And Kya's not about to miss out on the snuggle! One would think Kya went to school and graduated with top honors to learn how to be such a good mom. She has this innate sense of when to care for the pups, yet not smother them with unnecessary attention.... but right now she's just enjoying her babies and stealing all the puppybreath.LOL

The pups are just reaching the "adorable stage", before they turn into climbing, biting monsters. They now recognise Chris' voice when she talks to them and will crawl over to the front of the whelping box for a human cuddle.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who's that girl?

It's the Outlaw Josie Whales now sporting a black collar! She absolutely will not keep her pink collar on, so we're trying black... a girl can not run around the whelping box naked, it's just not appropriate.LOL

Sunday, March 8, 2009

First Photo Shoot

Oh my gosh... who would have known a photo shoot with 2-1/2 week old pups would be a lesson in patience!

Sure, they're moving around the whelping box, can find their mom with unerring accuracy, but WOW; just try snapping a button faster than they can move.LOL

Miss Yellow thought the whole thing was hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. Miss Pink and Mr Blue spent all of their time investigating the floor below and couldn't be bothered with cameras and such. Miss Multi-Pink found her Grammy Chris much more interesting, after all, she had cream cheese... what was she thinking? Mr Orange and Miss Purple exhausted themselves (and their grammy) checking out every square inch of their new territory, so by the time they were ready to hold still all they could do way lay down and barely keep their eyes open. Only Mr Green posed very nicely like a true gentleman... but what else would you expect out of "The Duke"!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Look Who's Walking

It's The Outlaw Josie Whales!! Miss Hot Pink (for now)... you may very well see pictures of her sporting a black collar soon. This little cutie has not made up her mind what color collar she wants to be, so usually can be found naked in the whelping box. She started as Pink, kept taking that off, so we put Red on her... that didn't work, so back to Hot Pink... nope, she still somehow gets it off. Chris says Black is next.LOL

Who Done It?

Early housebreaking habits begin as soon as the pups eyes open, as they will instinctively move off their bedding onto the paper to keep their sleeping area clean. Nurturing these these early responses will make the overall housebreaking process go much faster... which means happier owners!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pretty Girl

Kya continues to enjoy her pups as much as we do. She is very calm and content while nursing and has even divided the troops into two separate feedings so everyone can get their share without pushing or shoving. Quite often when the pups are sleeping, Kya can be found lazing on Chris' bed watching her charges without disturbing them.

Bio Sensor Time

The U.S. Military developed a program in the 1970’s called "Bio Sensor." The program was developed to improve the performance of dogs used for military purposes. The Army’s research revealed that early stimulation of the puppy from the 3rd day through the 16th day influence rapid neurological growth and development.

You can read the details on our puppy page of the website.

We Have Peepers!

On Saturday the pups eyes started to open. Miss Purple a/k/a Hossette decided she wanted to be the first to see the world and the others followed shortly afterwards.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Kya!

Ms. Kya celebrated her third birthday today! Due to her mommy status she had to stay at home, but will have a belated outing once her charges are older.

Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl!!